Collection: HorsePal


Horse Flies, Deer Flies, Yellow Flies - Reduction and Control

Whether they are biting your horses, goats, cows, or other livestock, or your children in the pool, they are delivering a very painful bite. Until the HORSE PAL® there had been no commercially available way to effectively reduce their numbers. Insecticides don't work. These flies are strong fliers. As soon as the insecticide settles down, new flies arrive and the problem is renewed.  The HORSE PAL® biting fly trap is constantly on duty, attracting the biting flies in the area and capturing them. The trap is environmentally sound. It requires no smelly or messy baits. The only care required is occasionally removing the capture bottle and dumping out dead flies.

The HORSE PAL® can be used in many environments including Farms and Ranches, Pools, backyards and gardens, apartment complexes, golf courses, city parks and recreational areas.  They can be placed out in the open or along side brush and along tree lines.  Where ever Biting Flies are a problem, the HORSE PAL® Fly trap can be useful! 

Being long time users of multiple HORSE PAL® fly traps and immensely pleased with their performance, Jason & Jennifer jumped at the opportunity to add this product to Capralite's lineup by purchasing the company when it was about to close it's doors.

 ***A special thank you to the Newman Family for allowing us to continue Mr. Newman's legacy started in 1999 when he patented this trap!***